Friday, March 14, 2014


The two most important things out of my ten things are dance and music. Dance is what I love. I spend most of my time dancing . I have made so many friends through dance and it has impacted my life in such a huge way. Almost everything in my life revolves around dance. Dance allows me to express myself in a way that I can't with anything else.
Music serves as so many things for me. It is my inspiration and my creative fuel. It is something that I can go to whenever I need to escape and have some relaxing time. Music is also just a great form of entertainment in a boring situation. I am always listening to music. When I get ready, when I'm in the car, when I'm with friends, when I do homework and practically any other time. It can change my mood and it really affects me as a person.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! You have found an outlet for self expression that is beyond words and the fuel that drives the mood for many activities.
